Ya Know...It's Words And Stuff Too

What Are You Talking About?

Oculus Studios is a company made up of individuals that are inspired by their passion and motivated by ordinary things we experience in our day to day lives. We have heroes, opinions, and insights into the world that we can't often put into our work. This is a place for us to share our thoughts, motivations, and random moments of pure geekdom. Enjoy!

Lexington advertising and marketing: “Your Business. Out Loud.”

Lexington advertising and marketing: “Your Business. Out Loud.”

We love Kentucky, with Lexington in particular holding a special place in our hearts. We were born here, both personally and as a business. We love the rainy springs, warm and humid summers, beautiful orange falls, and snowy winters. It feels as if on most levels that Lexington has the perfect balance of meaningful and […]

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Classically “Modern” – An Editorial On Design

Classically “Modern” – An Editorial On Design

The definition of “design” is one of those obscure nomenclatures that has been recycled just about every century since the beginning of time. Generally reflecting the philosophical state of society at that particular moment, it’s as if the subject is forced because of some impending identity crises. But let’s take a moment to strip away all the […]

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We are an advertising agency based in Lexington, Kentucky but work with clients all over the world. We’re not into one night stands; it takes time to get to know each other, so drop us a line and let’s make this thing last by creating some inspired stuff together!

We are always on the lookout for new additions to our team as well as interns.

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